
Types of Stomach Pains You Should Be Aware Of


At some point of our lives, we will experience tummy troubles which sometimes, we would think that it is just a common stomach-ache. Generally, we would assume that we may have had eaten too much or ate something wrong and we just let it pass. But do you know that there are different kinds of pain and for certain pains, it could be a sign of some serious medical problem. Here’s how you can identify some common types of stomach pain and its symptoms.

1) Heartburn – Burning pain in the upper stomach

Heartburn or acid reflux happens when you feel a burning sensation in your chest or upper stomach coupled with a bitter or acidic taste in your mouth. This is caused by eating too much spicy, greasy, fried foods or drinks like soda, alcohol, and coffee.

2) Appendicitis – Sharp pain in the lower right-side of the abdomen

Some symptoms of appendicitis include fever, vomiting, and nausea. Appendicitis occurs when the appendix is infected and it becomes inflamed and filled with pus which causes you to feel pain whenever you cough, sneeze, or move around. So when you are experiencing these symptoms, it is best to see the doctor immediately.

3) Excess gas – Slight upper abdominal pain

When you eat too fast, you tend to swallow too much air which causes bloating. Foods and drinks like beans, green leafy vegetables, artificial sweeteners, beers, and sodas are the main culprit of having excess gas. If you’re feeling bloated after a meal, peppermint tea could help alleviate the pain.

4) Kidney infection – Severe pain starting from the back

Symptoms of a kidney infection include vomiting, nausea, feeling weak, shivering, pain while urinating, fever, loss of appetite, and pain in the back around the kidney area. If you are having these symptoms, make sure you drink plenty of water and immediately seek medical attention.

5) Gastroenteritis (stomach flu) – Having diarrhoea and cramps

Having stomach flu is a sign of infection in the digestive tract. Generally, it is caused by food poisoning or norovirus like the campylobacter bacterium and salmonella. The symptoms include fever, stomach pain, vomiting, and diarrhoea which could probably last from a few days to 2 or 3 weeks. If you are experiencing stomach flu, it is advisable to stay hydrated. However, if these symptoms persist longer than 2 to 3 days, you should see the doctor immediately.

Stomach aches are bound to happen at one point or another and most of the time, it’ll be annoying. But just make sure that if any of the symptoms or pain becomes too severe, seek medical attention immediately.

Sincerely yours,
Jessy Lai Chai Yun (赖彩云)

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