

I am a coffee junkie.

I love the smell and taste of coffee so much that I am unable to express this feeling of desire. Call it cravings, call it an addiction or whatever. I love coffee. In fact, just walking by a café and smelling the distinct aroma of coffee just makes my day. But little did I know, there are tons of ways I can use the coffee grounds as well. So, upon my recent discovery (besides using it as body scrub), I’d like to share with you on how and what you can use these coffee grounds for.

1) Repel those creepy-crawlies

To get rid of pests like slugs, snails, and ants that will destroy your beautiful garden, sprinkle some used coffee grounds around your flower beds to deter these annoying pests. Not to mention, if you have cats loitering around your garden, scatter this mixture coffee grounds with orange peels and it’ll keep them away. At the same time, it doesn’t only repel bugs and cats, coffee grounds works as a natural fertilizer and it encourages vermicomposting whereby worms ingest the coffee grounds and turning it into compost.

2) Absorb foul odours

Coffee grounds are great for eliminating odours practically anywhere you put it. For instance, to eliminate odours in your refrigerator, put some used coffee grounds in a bowl and place it in the fridge. It also helps with getting rid of the stink on your hands after cutting up garlic, onions, or fish. Just rub on some of the coffee grounds and rinse off. Moreover, you can make your own natural air freshener by filling up an old stocking with dried coffee grounds and voila! You can hang this air freshener in your car or even in the rubbish bin to get rid of the stench.

3) Natural exfoliating body scrub

Just by simply using coffee grounds as a body scrub can help exfoliate your skin by removing those dead skin cells and leaving your skin smooth and soft. This refreshing exfoliator helps stimulate blood flow, tightens the skin, and reduces the appearance of cellulite. You can create this inexpensive scrub by simply adding a mixture of coconut oil, coffee grounds, sugar, and some essence (vanilla, peppermint, lavender), store it in a jar, and use it at least 2 to 3 times a week.

If you are an avid coffee drinker, these are some way you could reuse the coffee grounds instead of just tossing it away. Not to mention, you can live a more environmental-friendly lifestyle and you get to save some money too!
Jessy Lai Chai Yun (赖彩云)

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